Marubeni-Itochu Steel signs an strategic agreement with Network Steel Group
Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. (hereinafter "MISI"), a worldwide leading Japanese steel trading and processing company, has signed on July 22, 2024, an strategic agreement with Network Steel Resources, S.A. ("NSR") to enter in its capital through a minority stake. NSR is a leading independent flat steel group in the Iberian Peninsula, the Company counts with 7 modern production plants and an annual sales volume of more than 1 million tons. MISI is a Joint Venture between the Japanese Trading Houses Marubeni Corporation (listed company in Tokyo, with a market capitalization of more than 27,000 million euros) and Itochu Corporation (listed company in Tokyo with a market capitalization of more than 57,000 million euros), which reports a sales volume close to 24,000 million euros and owns more than 100 companies across multiple geographies globally. This transaction consolidates the commercial partnership between NSR and MISI, companies that have a close collaborative relationship and now formalize it through this strategic agreement. MISI's entry into NSR's shareholding is motivated by a joint project to achieve a new stage of growth, driven by a diversification of products, markets, creation of synergies and know-how shared by both groups. On NSR's side, the transaction has been advised by DC Advisory (investment bank part of the Japanese group Daiwa Securities) and Uría Menéndez. Cuatrecasas acted as legal advisor to MISI. Click here to read the press article: espanola-network-steel.html steel.html [...]
They also keep up their support to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and Children's Villages Network Steel Resources (NSR) group will keep on this 2022, the important humanitarian action this group has been carrying out in recent years. Among the recent projects, the collaboration for the delivery of generator sets to Ukraine highlights, an initiative that NSR has funneled through the Virgen del Pilar Elkartea association, based in the Alava Civil Guard Command, which in turn collaborates with the socio-cultural association Ukraine-Euskadi. These generator sets destination are the most affected areas by the war in Ukraine, where are essential to keep hospitals, schools, and other facilities performance. Likewise, in 2022 NSR will support the construction of different facilities for education, agriculture, and sports in the Kedougou region, located in the northwest of Senegal. Since its creation, and as part of its corporate social responsibility, the NSR group has maintained the commitment to carry out solidarity actions and social initiatives in different areas and in those markets where the group operates. In addition, as NSR has been doing for the last few years, the group will continue cooperating with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and SOS Children's Villages Spain, humanitarian organizations about which NSR is partner and to which it has made important donations. Likewise, during the pandemic NSR donated more than 416,000 masks, respirators, and sanitary suits to different entities. [...]
En PLAFESA nos cambiamos de oficina
Seguimos mejorando y, por eso, empezamos el año mudándonos. Aunque, a decir verdad, no nos hemos ido muy lejos de nuestra sede anterior. Ahora puedes encontrarnos en la Calle del Progreso de Getafe, número 4. Un emplazamiento ideal para desarrollar nuestras actividades de logística y distribución de material. ¡Ahora sí que agilizaremos mucho más los procesos para hacer realidad nuestros nuevos proyectos! Respecto a nuestro número de teléfono, podrás seguir localizándonos en el 916 653 070. PLAFESA: Constancia, Dedicación y afán de Superación La constancia, la dedicación y el afán de superación han sido los ingredientes clave para llegar donde hemos llegado después de más de 30 años en el sector, donde siempre hemos estado a la vanguardia de la tecnología y de los procesos de producción. Los retos cumplidos y una mejora de los recursos nos han llevado a tomar la decisión de cambiarnos de sede. Te esperamos en nuestra nueva nave, el lugar desde donde a partir de ahora, continuaremos ofreciendo el mejor servicio personalizado y adaptado 100% a las necesidades de cada cliente. [...]
Plafesa Group to implement Dual Training model in 2017/2018
The Plafesa Group is to collaborate with the Valencia Community's dual training programmes from next year 2017-2018. This will be arranged through its company Ibersteel, based in Sagunto. The project will be sponsored by the Spanish subsidiary of the German multinational ThyssenKrup, in Sagunto, with the collaboration of the Generalitat Valenciana. The training to be given is known as "dual professional training". This is a German education model which, according to the analysts, has contributed to creating specialised and effective technical jobs and has already been progressively implemented in several Spanish Autonomous Communities. This training system perfectly coordinates theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom and practical experience obtained in the workplace. One of the Plafesa Group's strategic objectives in its Human Capital policies is to develop the technical skills of all of its collaborators. Once again, the company proves its commitment to the efficiency and quality of its operations to the advantage of its customers, whilst expanding the business project it embarked upon over 30 years ago now. [...]
Plafesa renueva su apuesta con el gigante Coreano Posco
El grupo Plafesa renueva su apuesta con el gigante Coreano Posco. El acuerdo alcanzado el 25 de Octubre consolida el posicionamiento de Posmac como producto sustitutivo en el mercado para aplicaciones industriales de alto compromiso estructural, un impacto directo en el rendimiento productivo de los fabricantes y las garantías de vida útil. Durante el último trimestre del año el grupo Plafesa incrementará su ritmo promoción con los clientes finales para continuar incorporando Posco al mercado Nacional-Portugués. Ignacio Candel CEO Plafesa firma de contratos Seminario País Vasco. Representantes del grupo Plafesa y Posco Ignacio Candel CEO Plafesa firma de contratos [...]
Hablando con clientes. Hablando con Plafesa.
Plafesa, un cliente ibérico Plafesa es un grupo familiar y centro de servicios del acero de referencia en la Península Ibérica. Dispone de tres unidades productivas, dos en España (Madrid y Sagunto) y la tercera en Portugal (Aveiro). Cuentan con 11 líneas de corte longitudinal y transversal de producto de acero al carbono plano y una capacidad de 500.000 toneladas/año. Su gama de producto abarca todas las calidades para suministrar a sectores tan diversos como el automóvil, infraestructuras, línea blanca, bienes de equipo, industria petroquímica, construcción y renovables.